Saturday, November 28, 2009


Ash and I at her cousin Brent's wedding. Congrats Brent and Alicia!
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Friday, November 6, 2009


Period 2 web for Line of Fit!
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

WAHS rocks!

Just a few highlighs of the first quarter. I admit I haven't done a great job keeping this up to date, but I do want to show off some of the smiling faces! There are great things happening up on the hill!
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Friday, October 2, 2009

Wahs victory!

Big win tonight. Congrats to our team and staff. The kids all played really hard. Great day to be a Millionaire!!!
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

the radio

Mr. Faus did not believe that his radio automatically increases volume the faster you go. I had to pull out the owner's manual to prove it. Despite what it says in his blog about my dumb comment, I was correct.
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At the conference today Weaves, Robetrson, Eberhart and myself were so superior to every other group that the teachers had the others dance for us. Check out Faus. We just basked at the sight!
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Monday, September 21, 2009

Pitt navy game

My girlfriend and I went to Pittsburgh to see the pitt panthers play Navy. It was a great time. Pitt won 27-14. I love Pittsburg because the history and tradition upheld by all who love this great city is just unimaginable to those who have never visited or do not know a Pittsburgh native or fan. Check out these great pictures.
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Friday, September 11, 2009

9-11 ride at my aunts

Today there was a ride for the fallen USA citizens and firefighters that went through williamsport. My aunt decided to have the family down for dinner and watch the parade. I got to hang out with my nephew which made my day. He is talking up a storm! The tribute ride was nice, but last year there were a lot more bikes. The rain scared some people away, but we made the best of it.
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My new look

Check out the specs!
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Thursday, September 10, 2009

WAHS Sunrise

I parked this morning and noticed this beautiful view that we get to see on quite a frequent occurrence op here on the hill. No wonder they call us the Millionaires with a view like that.
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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Harvey Alston

This morning we got to hear Harvey Alston talk to our kids. He was very funny and motivating. I think the kids really enjoyed him. I loved his opening rant like the traditional parent.
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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

4 wheeler vs. Truck

This is my head before and after the staples. Just another reason to wear a helmet and to tighten the chin strap. My helmet flew off of my head during the flight. I am lucky to be alive.
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Sunday, August 16, 2009


So last night we went to Dicks Last Resort for dinner. The workers there basically treat you like the first word in the name of the place. That is the idea. The waiter started with "the service stinks, the food stinks, and I work for tips." We enjoyed our hats they made us with insulting names.

We went to the beach for a while today and that is where I received my first jelly fish sting. The picture doesn't do it justice. It was much more swollen. I took the picture 2 hours later when the pain subsided. We might go play a lighted par 3 tonight if Ash feels up to it. She has a bad sore throat so she got a prescription called in. I hope she feels better soon!
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Saturday, August 15, 2009


This is the awesome view from our balcony in MB SC. Me and Ash had a perfect day. Flew out of harrisburg this morning, got to myrtle by noon. We laid on the beach, swam in the ocean, and ate lunch at Five Guys. We are having dinner with Kristen and Dave. (Ashley's college friend, she's also a PA attending the conference).
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Friday, August 14, 2009

Where are we?

We were on our way to meet Ashley's friend Kristin to drop off our golf clubs and leaving annville pa we listened to the gps for directions. It took us for a joyous slow ride through the country. I pulled out the map to see if the gps knew what it was doing and Ash would not heed to my advice. It all worked out though. It was our first unforgettable experience on this trip.
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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Antioch block party

Hopefully this rain will hold off. The church has put on a great spread for the community. Some of the teachers from the high school are here meeting and greeting parents and kids. This is an awesome community event.
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Surprised to see my nephew today!

I was working on my presentation for tomorrow and I was interrupted by a little man who wanted to play. We rode the 4-wheeler and played with some toys. Then I fed him some spaghetti. I guess I really wore him out because after lunch he took a nap real easy. The pic above was from a while ago when we went stocking trout. I will get a more updated one to share.
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Monday, August 10, 2009

Showing kip blog application

My brother kip...Just having some fun browsing the net.
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Most busy day of the year at camelbeach. We rode 2 slides, played in the wave pool, and also in the majorly congested kids area. The boys had fun. We'll have to go again when it is not so busy. I did see one of my students Autumn Mundrick... Small world!
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Picture of a clunker on the way to camelbeach. Everyone in the car thought it was blog worthy.
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On our way to camelbeach... Trying this mobile update with my blackberry. Loving technology and wanting to learn more. I can use this thing everyday in my classroom!
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Going to camelbeach with adam, andy and the boys. Should be an awesome day.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day two in the books... We had an interesting presentation on drug awareness tonight. Made me realize a potential mistake when confiscating a non-functional cell phone that was probably used to conceal something fishy. Anyway, we are eating good!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

One hot July... how about Jaime Moyer and Rhino?

Morning session at Bloom

If you are an educator who has issues with motivating students to learn, I hope you check out Allison Adler and Rose Backhus. Adler focused on single school culture specifically behavior and Backhus is focusing on single school culture academics. They are both powerful. The academics portion is philosophically based on efficacy. Efficacy is empowerment for personal development, the capacity to mobilize the effort of educators, parents, and students toward development-the achievement of successive, targeted learning outcomes. POWERFUL for identifying debilitative practices. INSIGHTFUL for strategies for mobalizing student effort.
Day two at the Governor School in BU. We had a great day yesterday and heard from some excellent speakers. Look forward to another productive day. Fausnaught is picking his nose and Zangara is scratching his butt at the moment.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Governor School in Bloom

Today is the first day at BU for the governor school for positive school culture. The first presenter was very interesting. She assisted us in the development of rules for behavior and the implementation process. Here is a picture of me writing my first blog.

prezi attempt
