Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day two in the books... We had an interesting presentation on drug awareness tonight. Made me realize a potential mistake when confiscating a non-functional cell phone that was probably used to conceal something fishy. Anyway, we are eating good!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

One hot July... how about Jaime Moyer and Rhino?

Morning session at Bloom

If you are an educator who has issues with motivating students to learn, I hope you check out Allison Adler and Rose Backhus. Adler focused on single school culture specifically behavior and Backhus is focusing on single school culture academics. They are both powerful. The academics portion is philosophically based on efficacy. Efficacy is empowerment for personal development, the capacity to mobilize the effort of educators, parents, and students toward development-the achievement of successive, targeted learning outcomes. POWERFUL for identifying debilitative practices. INSIGHTFUL for strategies for mobalizing student effort.
Day two at the Governor School in BU. We had a great day yesterday and heard from some excellent speakers. Look forward to another productive day. Fausnaught is picking his nose and Zangara is scratching his butt at the moment.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Governor School in Bloom

Today is the first day at BU for the governor school for positive school culture. The first presenter was very interesting. She assisted us in the development of rules for behavior and the implementation process. Here is a picture of me writing my first blog.

prezi attempt
